
Angels Coated in Fur

This is my first blog post and I start writing this on my favorite topic- Angels coated in Fur. I write this on the very same day I met my dog, two years ago. Dogs are perhaps the most unconditional creatures that have ever been created next to mothers. I am a proud owner of a dog, a 2 year old German shepherd, and I must say I lost my heart to my lovely fur baby at the very first sight. I have bad experiences with dogs, in fact  I have disliked them, until I met my dog. This post is a short narration of my experiences with dogs. When I was a kid, about 3 yrs old, I was extremely attached to a stray dog (extremely common in the area where I live). Every morning, as I left to school, the dog would wait for me to board my bus, stand up in two legs and wave a 'bye' at me. I used to fondly call him 'puppy' (although he was a fully grown dog:p). Out of the cowardice of dogs that were there in my street, puppy was the only one who had an interaction with me. He was my fi

What this blog is all about!

This blog, authored by me, has no particular topic to it. I am a graduate in economics with big passion towards writing. This is an attempt to get my creativity overflow. My writings in this blog will vary from life experiences and opinions to short creative stories. In a nut shell, this is just a blog of an economics graduate, who writes about everything else but economics (1.There are too many people to do that :p  2. I need a break from it :p :p)!!